Call 561-706-0448 to speak with a specialist.

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* All orders offer personalized attention, are guided by a physician with a prescription and shipped to you from our compounding pharmacy.



8 weeks / 2mL - $679
12 weeks / 3 mL - $879
16 weeks / 4 mL - $979
20 weeks / 5 mL - $1079

Typical patient weight loss results

8 weeks, 10-15 lbs.

12 weeks, 15-25 lbs.

16 weeks, 25-35 lbs.

20 weeks, 35+ lbs.

Semaglutide is a once a week injection that increases insulin production and lowers blood sugar levels. It can also reduce appetite, lowering food intake and increasing weight loss. It has also been known to decrease cardiovascular outcomes in people with Type 2 Diabetes.

Potential Benefits

  • Decrease Appetite
  • Lose Weight & Body Fat
  • Slows Digestion
  • Enhance the Growth of ß cells in the pancreas
  • Lowers HbA1c levels

Pay Later With Cherry

Syringes included with purchase.

The number of weeks are a guideline and may differ with increasing dosages.

Learn how to administer safely in seconds.

Intramuscular Injections
Subcutaneous Injections

Additional information

Select Plan

8 weeks / 2 mL, $679, 12 weeks / 3 mL, $879, 16 weeks / 4 mL, $979, 20 weeks / 5 mL, $1079

How Semaglutide works.

Semaglutide is a Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) produced by the gut. It increases insulin production, a hormone that lowers the blood sugar level while inhibiting glucagon secretion, which is a hormone that raises blood sugar, reduces appetite and energy intake while delaying gastric emptying.

  • Reduces food intake by lowering appetite.
  • Slows food digestion in the stomach.
  • Decreases body fat percentage.
  • Weight loss.
  • Decreased cardiovascular outcomes in subjects with Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
  • Lower HbA1c levels
  • Enhance the growth of ß cells in the pancreas.

Get an extra boost, with these recommended vitamins.

  • Safe & effective
  • Administer in seconds
  • Lasting long-term effects
  • Absorbs better than oral vitamins